UNE 66102


UNE 66102 specifies the minimum requirements to be met by both analogue and digital tachograph technical centres.



What is UNE 66102?

UNE 66102 standard specifies the minimum requirements surrounding service provisions, and management systems that must be met by analogue and digital tachograph technical centres.

Further requirements in this standard involve the management, facilities and service provision for tachograph technical centres, where interventions on tachographs are carried out according to defined, measurable and traceable procedures.

Once certified, organisations can proudly promote themselves as certificate holders in any of their promotional materials and can include the URS certification logo free of charge.


Who requires an UNE 66102 certification?

All technical centres with tachograph installations are required to have a UNE 66102 certification. This organisations such as:


  • Inspection centres

  • Vehicle repair workshops

  • Bodywork manufacturers

How can an UNE 66102 certification benefit your business?

Becoming certified for UNE 66102 can bring a wide range of benefits to your organisation, including:


  • Improved management system control

  • Refined internal procedures

  • Enhanced client services

How can you prepare for UNE 66102 Certification?

Although the thought of starting the certification process may seem daunting, there are a variety of steps you can take to make the process to becoming certified far more streamlined:


  • Familiarise yourself with the UNE 66102 standard

  • Carry out a gap analysis to highlight areas where your system does not comply with the standard requirements

  • Provide UNE 66102 training to all staff members to ensure the organisation meets competency requirements

What are the key requirements UNE 66102?

When working towards becoming certified for UNE 66102, there are various areas that will be a focus during the audit. These areas include:


  • Raising awareness

  • Client communication

  • Performance assessment

What clauses make up the structure of UNE 66102?


Clauses 1-3 – Introductory clauses:

The first three clauses of UNE 66102 introduce the scope of the standard and specify which industry sectors it can be applied to.

The assist with an organisations understanding of the standard, clause 2 outlines other relevant standards that apply to UNE 66102; whilst clause 3 provides an extensive list of definitions for terms that feature throughout the standard document.


Clause 4 – Organisational context:

Clause 4 outlines the general requirements for the management system that technical centres must meet. This includes a focus on documented procedures for every step of tachograph work, which is vital for maintaining the integrity of recorded data.


Clause 5 – Leadership:

Clause 5 confirms the expectations for top management to demonstrate their commitment to the management system through the development of policies and a responsibility structure.


Clause 6 – Planning:

Clause 6 considers areas that provide potential risk to the management system and, by assigning requirements, encourages organisations to establish objectives and accompanying plans to ensure they are achieved.


Clause 7 – Support:

Clause 7 focuses on the resources needed for the technical centre to operate effectively. Drawing attention to quality of technicians and the equipment they use whilst ensuring that only qualified personnel handle tachographs that have been correctly calibrated.


Clause 8 – Operation:

Clause 8 details requirements for the technical centre’s operational processes for tachograph operations. It sets specific procedures for installation, calibration, and repair, minimizing the risk of errors that could compromise road safety or regulatory compliance.


Clause 9 – Performance assessment:

Clause 9 highlights the importance of regularly reviewing the management system by reviewing audit results, customer feedback, and changes to legal requirements. This step is vital as it ensures that the technical centre’s processes remain effective and aligned with evolving regulations.


Clause 10 – Improvement:

In the final section of the standard, clause 10 addresses any deviations from procedures and any errors that are detected. Through issuing nonconformities, areas for improvement are flagged which can then be resolved by applying corrective actions to resolve the issue.


How long will your UNE 66102 certificate be valid for?

Your UNE 66102 certificate will be valid for at least three years; dependent on the type of site that is being certified.


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