The standard provides requirements for Research and Development & Innovation (R&D&I) management systems.
What is UNE 166002?
UNE 166002 provides guidelines to assist organisations in planning, managing and controlling R&D&I activities. This includes establishing objectives and projects to improve products and processes.
This standard also places a focus on direction to create a greater understanding of the context of the organization. All whilst enabling the development and expansion of the R&D and Innovation management process.
Once certified, organisations can proudly promote themselves as certificate holders in any of their promotional materials and can include the URS certification logo free of charge.
Who requires a UNE 166002 certification?
Although the UNE 166002 is not regulated, any organisation aiming to demonstrate their commitment to innovation management would benefit from becoming certified for this standard.
How can a UNE 166002 certification benefit your business?
Becoming certified for UNE 166002 can bring a wide range of benefits to your organisation, including:
How can you prepare for a UNE 166002 Certification?
Although the thought of starting the certification process may seem daunting, there are a variety of steps you can take to make the process to becoming certified far more streamlined:
What are the key requirements UNE 166002?
When working towards becoming certified for UNE 166002, there are various areas that will be a focus during the audit. These areas include:
What clauses make up the structure of UNE 166002?
Clauses 1-3 – Introductory clauses
The first three clauses of UNE 166002 combine to introduce the scope of the standard and demonstrate the sector specific areas where the certification can be applied.
To assist with understanding, clause three provides a list of definitions for terms that feature throughout the standard.
Clause 4 – Organisational context:
Clause 4 focuses on analysing internal and external factors that affect the organization's R&D&I activities. This includes identifying the needs and expectations of interested parties and defining the methods that make up the management system processes.
Clause 5 – Leadership:
Clause 5 requires top management to demonstrate leadership in regards to the R&D&I management system. This is achieved through the implementation of tools and the formalisation of strategies and policies.
Clause 6 – Planning:
Clause 6 addresses the identification and management of risks and opportunities related to R&D&I, and pinpoints objectives that should be set; along with the means by which they will be achieved.
Clause 7 – Support:
Clause 7 highlights the various resources that are required to implement, maintain and improve the R&D&I management system. These resources include, HR, Infrastructure, materials, and finance.
Clause 8 – operation:
Clause 8 sheds light on the processes involved in the lifecycle of the R&D&I management system and introduces specific requirements to ensure each one serves its purpose and is correctly followed.
Clause 9 – Evaluation:
Clause 9 provides guidance on the utilisation of internal audits and management reviews to highlight areas in an organisations R&D&I management system that require improvements. Any improvements highlighted in this phase will then be covered in the following clause.
Clause 10 – Improvement:
In the final section of the standard, clause 10 covers the process of raising nonconformities where issues were raised in reviews, and implementing corrective actions to ensure the issues are correctly resolved.
How long will your UNE 166002 certificate be valid for?
Your UNE 166002 certificate will be valid for at least three years; dependent on the type of site that is being certified.