ISO 37002:2020 Whistleblowing


ISO 37002 provides guidelines for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and improving whistleblowing management systems.



What is ISO 37002?

ISO 37002:2020 specifically addresses whistleblowing management systems and provides specialist guidance for the reporting of wrongdoing, misconduct, or unethical behaviour within an organization. The standard also provides guidelines for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and improving whistleblowing management systems.

In addition, this standard also offers comprehensive guidance for organisations wishing to establish or improve their procedures for handling allegations of misconduct or unethical behaviour in the workplace.

Once certified, organisations can proudly promote themselves as certificate holders in any of their promotional materials and can include the URS certification logo free of charge.


Who requires an ISO 37002 certification?

Whilst ISO 37002 is not a mandated standard, any organisation wanting to establish and promote a secure whistleblowing management system would benefit from becoming certified for this standard.


How can an ISO 37002 certification benefit your business?

Becoming certified for ISO 37002 can bring a wide range of benefits to your organisation, including:


  • Improved employee engagement

  • Positive brand image

  • Increased awareness of misconduct

  • Enhanced risk management

How can you prepare for ISO 37002 Certification?

Although the thought of starting the certification process may seem daunting, there are a variety of steps you can take to make the process to becoming certified far more streamlined:


  • Familiarise yourself with the ISO 37002 standard

  • Carry out a gap analysis to highlight areas for improvement

  • Provide ISO 37002 related training to staff members

  • Implement a system to monitor the effectiveness of your current whistleblowing management system

What are the key requirements ISO 37001?

When working towards becoming certified for ISO 37002, there are various areas that will be a focus during the audit. These areas include:


  • Whistleblowing policy and protection

  • Investigation procedures

  • Communication

  • Training

What clauses make up the structure of ISO 37002?


Clauses 1-3 – Introductory clauses:

The first three clauses of ISO 37002 introduce the scope of the standard and highlight the specific sectors in which it can be applied. The third clause of the standard also provides an useful list of terms and definitions that are used throughout the document.


Clause 4 – Context of the organisation:

Clause 4 explores the potential internal and external issues that an organisation may face when implementing a whistleblowing management system. Drawing attention to the context of the organisation and the needs of parties involved in the system itself.


Clause 5 – Leadership:

Clause 5 focuses on the roles that leadership and top management have in regards to the whistleblowing management system. Along with the responsibilities that other staff members are assigned to ensure that policies and procedures are correctly maintained.


Clause 6 – Planning:

Clause 6 outlines processes that are involved in planning for a whistleblowing management system. Including the maintenance of policies and processes that accompany the systems functions.


Clause 7 – Support:

Clause 7 outlines the wide variety of support options that organisations can utilise to ensure the efficiency of the whistleblowing management system. This includes resources, competency, documentation and confidentiality.


Clause 8 – Operation:

Clause 8 concerns itself with the operation of a whistleblowing management system and provides guidance for organisations to follow if wrongdoing is reported. This clause also covers the entire process of receiving, addressing and closing a whistleblowing report.


Clause 9 – Performance evaluation:

Clause 9 focuses on the ways in which the performance of the whistleblowing management system can be monitored, measured and evaluated. This covers the methods that can be used to gather an analysis, and the forms in which the feedback can be documented.


Clause 10 – Improvement:

In the final section of the standard, clause 10 addresses how an organisation can work to continually improve the efficiency of their whistleblowing management system through the means of raising nonconformities and implementing corrective actions to resolve them.


How long will your ISO 37002 certificate be valid for?

Your ISO 37002 certificate will be valid for at least three years; dependent on the type of site that is being certified.


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