ISO 29993 - Learning services management systems certification


ISO 29993 provides requirements for learning services outside of formal education.



What is ISO 29993?

ISO 29993 provides the requirements for learning services outside of formal education, including all types of life-long learning. These include any learning services provided by a learning service provider, as well as to sponsors who are acquiring the services on behalf of learners. This learning service can be face-to-face, mediated by technology, or a blend of both.

Once certified, organisations can proudly promote themselves as certificate holders in any of their promotional materials and can include the URS certification logo free of charge.


Who requires an ISO 29993 certification?

Any organisations and Learning Service Providers that offer learning services outside of formal education would benefit from obtaining an ISO 29993 certification. This includes those that provide:


  • Outsourced training

  • Corporate training

  • Professional development programmes

  • Certification courses

How can an ISO 29993 certification benefit your business?

Becoming certified for ISO 29993 can bring a wide range of benefits to your organisation, including:


  • Optimising learning processes

  • Improving the management of training programmes

  • Expanding the market access of your organisation

How can you prepare for an ISO 29993 Certification?

Although the thought of starting the certification process may seem daunting, there are a variety of steps you can take to make the process to becoming certified far more streamlined:


  • Familiarise yourself with the ISO 29993 standard

  • Provide training to staff members on the requirements outlined in the standard

  • Conduct regular internal audits to highlight areas that are not meeting the standard requirements

  • Document all aspects of your learning management system, course designs procedures and processes

What are the key requirements ISO 29993?

When working towards becoming certified for ISO 29993, there are various areas that will be a focus during the audit. These areas include:


  • Learner-centric approach

  • Competent instructors

  • Diverse learning methods

  • Communication

What clauses make up the structure of ISO 29993?


Clauses 1-3 – Introductory clauses:

The first three clauses of ISO 29993 introduce the scope of the standard and outline the various sectors that it can be applied to.


Clause 4 – General information provided by the LSP:

Clause 4 provides a list of information that should be provided to each learner by the Learning Service Provider. This ensures that the learner has all they need to be able to make an informed decision.


Clause 5 – Proposal development:

Clause 5 outlines what an organisation should include in proposals that are provided to learners. By providing this information, the LSP can rest assured that the learner has the correct information that is required to make an informed decision.


Clause 6 – Information provided prior to acquisition of the learning service:

Clause 6 explores requirements surround the information that must be provided to a learner before they agree to take part. This includes the structure, policy references, and fees.


Clause 7 – Needs analysis:

Clause 7 takes into consideration the needs and requirements of a learner, and sets out requirements for qualified staff to analyse and adapt the service accordingly to suit the learner.


Clause 8 – Design of the learning service:

Clause 8 focuses on the design and development of curriculums, learning materials and assessments. Each of the subclauses included in this section sets out requirements for each of these to ensure that they are fit for purpose before being implemented.


Clause 9 – Information about the learning service for enrolled learners or their sponsors:

Clause 9 covers the necessary information that should be provided to learners once the service has commenced. This builds on from the requirements from Clause 4, with the addition of responsibilities and procedures.


Clause 10 – Service delivery:

Clause 10 provides requirements for staff members that are engaged in the delivery of learning services. Including the learning material and environments that are involved in providing the service.


Clause 11 – Facilitators:

Clause 11 regards the facilitators that are involved in the provided learning service, and concerns itself with their competency and personal development. This is to ensure they are qualified for the position and to ensure the highest standard of service is being provided to the learner.


Clause 12 – Assessment of learning:

Clause 12 focuses on the aspects that must be included when designing and selecting assessment for learners. This also included requirements on providing a certificate to learners once the learners have completed their learning.


Clause 13 – Monitoring and evaluation of the learning service:

Clause 12 requires all types of subcontracting used by an organisation to be established and controlled to guarantee the products compliance with contractual requirements.


Clause 14 – Invoicing:

In the final, and shortest, section of the standard, clause 14 outlines the information that should be included in any issued invoices to ensure that the learner is aware of exactly what they are being invoiced for.


How long will your ISO 29993 certificate be valid for?

Your ISO 29993 certificate will be valid for at least three years; dependent on the type of site that is being certified.


Additional information:

Please note that in cases where the learning service provider is part of an organization that provides products in addition to learning services, ISO 29993:2017 only applies to learning services.


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