ISO 22483 provides quality requirements and guidance for hotels regarding staff, events, maintenance, and guest satisfaction.
What is ISO 22483?
ISO 22483 establishes quality requirements and recommendations for hotels regarding staff, service, events, entertainment activities, safety and security, maintenance, cleanliness, supply management and guest satisfaction.
The requirements in this standard are applicable regardless of their classification and category, and whether the services are provided directly by internal staff or by a subcontractor.
Once certified, organisations can proudly promote themselves as certificate holders in any of their promotional materials and can include the URS certification logo free of charge.
Who requires an ISO 22483 certification?
Any organisation that provides high quality hotel services should consider becoming certified for ISO 22483. This includes sectors such as:
How can a ISO 22483 certification benefit your business?
Becoming certified for ISO 22483 can bring a wide range of benefits to your organisation, including:
How can you prepare for ISO 22483 Certification?
Although the thought of starting the certification process may seem daunting, there are a variety of steps you can take to make the process to becoming certified far more streamlined:
What are the key requirements ISO 22483?
When working towards becoming certified for ISO 22483, there are various areas that will be a focus during the audit. These areas include:
What clauses make up the structure of ISO 22483?
Clauses 1-3 – Introductory clauses:
The first three clauses of ISO 22483 introduce the scope and potential industry applications of the standard. Alongside this, clause 3 provides an extensive list of terms and definitions that feature throughout the standard and can be researched for further understanding.
Clause 4 – Staff requirements:
Clause 4 outlines the qualification requirements that are expected from all staff members and provision requirements for the organisation themselves. This covers training, organisation structures, staff facilities and sub contracted services.
Clause 5 – Service requirements:
Clause 5 introduces requirements to accompany all services that an organisation may provide. This refers to the location where the service is provided, and the service itself. Applicable areas include; the Front desk, food and beverage, and accommodation.
Clauses 6 and 7 – Events organisation and entertainment requirements:
In two of the shortest clauses of the standard, clause 6 covers applicable requirements for any events that an organisation may provide. This includes being aware of any changes, resource requirements and reviews. Whilst clause 7 put its focus on entertainment requirements such as programmes, resources, and risk assessments.
Clause 8 – Safety and security requirements:
With all of the potential services that hotels provide, it’s no wonder that clause 8 provides an extensive list of requirements surrounding safety and security. This clause covers everything from food and health safety, to the security of people and fire protection.
Clauses 9 and 10 – Maintenance and cleanliness requirements:
Clause 9 introduces requirements regarding the maintenance and cleaning of the property and equipment that are utilised in the running of a service. This includes the planning of repairs and ongoing work, and the implementation of a cleaning plan.
Clause 10 - Improvement:
In the final section, Clause 10 outlines the methods of continual improvement that can be used to enhance your organisations QMS; including corrective actions and nonconformities.
Clause 11 – Supply management:
Clause 11 covers a short list of requirements that accompany purchases. The majority of which focus on the documentation and records for past purchases.
Clause 12 – Guest satisfaction and feedback compilation:
In the final section of the standard, clause 12 briefly touches on the methods of measuring guest satisfaction through the use of questionnaires and feedback forms. All of which should be recorded and stored as part of the organisations documentation processes.
How long will your ISO 22483 certificate be valid for?
Your ISO 22483 certificate will be valid for at least three years; dependent on the type of site that is being certified.