GMP + FSA provides requirements to ensure the safety and quality of animal feed production.
What is GMP+FSA?
The Good Manufacturing Practices and Feed Safety Assurance standard ensures animal feed safety for products, which subsequently become part of the food chain. GMP+ FSA stands for.
The Quality assurance system in this standard is applied throughout the whole feed chain, starting from primary production and transport, through to laboratory analysis. GMP+ FSA certification includes selected HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) and ISO 9001/ISO 22000 requirements.
Once certified, organisations can proudly promote themselves as certificate holders in any of their promotional materials and can include the URS certification logo free of charge.
Who requires a GMP+FSA certification?
All organisations involved in any step of the feed chain are required to have GMP+FSA certification to ensure the safe production of animal feed. This includes:
How can a GMP+FSA certification benefit your business?
Becoming certified for GMP+FSA can bring a wide range of benefits to your organisation, including:
How can you prepare for GMP+FSA Certification?
Although the thought of starting the certification process may seem daunting, there are a variety of steps you can take to make the process to becoming certified far more streamlined:
What are the key requirements GMP+FSA?
When working towards becoming certified for GMP+FSA, there are various areas that will be a focus during the audit. These areas include:
What clauses make up the structure of GMP+FSA?
Clauses 1-3 – Introductory clauses:
The first three clauses of the standard introduce the scope and relevant applications of the document. To assist with understanding how scale of an organisation effects the requirements, clause 1 also specifies how varying sizes of organisations may choose to use the standard.
In addition, clause 2 introduces other applicable standards that are referenced throughout the document. Whilst clause 3 provides an expansive list of terms and definitions that feature in this standard.
Clause 4 – Context of the GMP+ certified company:
Clause 4 draws awareness to the role that an organisation plays in the food chain and places a focus on understanding how they can comply with the legislation whilst meeting the expectations of interested parties.
Clause 5 – Leadership:
Clause 5 requires leadership and top management to provide their commitment to the FSMS by ensuring that policies, responsibilities and safeguarding processes are correctly followed and implemented.
Clause 6 – Planning:
Clause 6 outlines the various elements that go into planning the use of the Food Safety Management System. Placing focus on the establishing of objectives, and anticipating changes that may occur.
Clause 7 – Support:
Clause 7 focuses on the means of support that can be utilised to assist with the implementation and maintenance of the FSMS. These areas include resources, competency, and documentation.
Clause 8 – Operation:
Clause 8 explores each of the processes that are involved in planning, implementing, controlling and maintaining the Food Safety Management System. These processes touch on prerequisites, traceability, incident management and hazard control.
Clause 9 – Assessment of the FSMS performance:
Where other clauses focus on the operation of the FSMS, clause 9 provides requirements relating to evaluation and analysis. By utilising methods such as internal audits and management reviews, organisations can highlight areas of their system that are not meeting the standard requirements.
Clause 10 – Improvement:
In the final section of the standard, clause 10 takes the areas for improvement that were highlighted through the previous clause, and implements corrective actions to ensure they meet the standard requirements.
How long will your GMP+FSA certificate be valid for?
Your GMP+FSA certificate will be valid for at least three years; dependent on the type of site that is being certified.